Finished my first big website project this week, setting up cornerstone pages. It was a fun project, and one I’m happy I finally got around to. I’m sure there’ll be more homepage-based projects like this in the future.
Weekly Goals:
I had a bunch of household stuff I wanted to get done this week, but most of it got pushed to the back burner for various life reasons. The rest got pushed because I didn’t want to do them. So these will all be waiting for me to get done this week. Yay.
One big challenge I had to work on this week was to get a new photo printer. We’ve got a great old Canon printer/scanner/copier that we’ve had for years. It does a good job of printing photos as well. But in our recent move, the heads seem to have misaligned, and I have been trying unsuccessfully to realign them. I’m also out of Cyan. Because it’s always freaking Cyan.
I needed to print some photos this week, and discovered that the printer is now old enough that the ink cartridges are no longer readily available at just any shop. So I ordered some online, but they weren’t going to be here in time. So I shopped around and ended up picking up one of those little Canon Selphy photo printers. And I’ve got to say, I’m really liking this little thing. The prints are of decent enough quality, and the footprint is minuscule.
Posts Made This Week:
- 04MAR: New Week, New Plans
- 05MAR: Step by Step, Inch by Inch
- 06MAR: Down the IndieWeb Rabbit Hole
- 07MAR: Laying Down the Cornerstones
- 08MAR: Cornerstones Part II
- 09MAR: Cornerstones Linkdump
Listening to This Week:
- Started _Young’s Infinite City_. A little slow starting, but I’ll see if it gets better.
Currently Watching:
- I’m still enjoying Constellation and Resident Alien.
- Also started playing The Last Ship in the background, because sometimes it’s nice to have something going on around you that doesn’t require much thinking or attention. This has been fitting the bill nicely.
Currently Reading:
- Finished Cory Doctorow’s _The Bezzle_, which was of course excellent.
- Started _Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow_ by Gabrielle Zevin. It’s been on my to read list since it came out, and I’m liking it so far.
And that’s another week done. I’ve been working on a couple ideas for the next few weeks of projects, so I’ll write more about that tomorrow. Until then, rest easy!