So here’s the thing… (AKA Don’t Call It a Comeback)


I suck at doing. It’s a hard fact. Ask anyone who knows me. I am an eternal procrastinator. Here’s a fine example: it’s the 17th of May, 2018, and I haven’t finished writing out my 2018 New Year’s resolutions. Need more? How about this: it’s actually the 30th of November, 2018, and I’m only now getting around to finishing this entry. And no, I still haven’t finished writing out my 2018 resolutions. Yeah. And the worst part about it is that it’s still a thing I want to actually get done.

When I started DueByFriday, the idea was that a weekly deadline would force me to accomplish something. And in a way, it did. I thought more about doing than I ever have before. The idea sat in the back of my head, stalking me throughout my days and weeks and months.

But the actual doing? Yeah, not so much. There are certainly things I did do. Some of them daily, some weekly, some whenever inspiration struck. But what I have consistently failed to do is anything I said I’d do here. I’m going to fix that. Welcome to DueByFriday 2.0, dammit.

So here’s to fresh starts once again. Because really, that’s what DueByFriday is all about at its core. We can do anything at any time. We can start today. Right now. In fact, stop reading and go do something. Come back after you’re done and tell me about what you just accomplished. I’ll be waiting.

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